Happy New Year lovely people

It’s the eve of a new year and it’s hard to fathom how fast this decade is going. I come to you this evening from a caravan park on the Lake Hume, kids in bed already, husband away at a friends gig, enjoying the last rays of sunshine with hundreds of others in the park, including some rowdy boys next door where the vocabulary involves using the word ‘fuck’ as an adjective in every second sentence. At least their music choice is decent. And I am alone.

It’s 7pm and I am perfectly happy, I really am.

How comfortable are you with being alone? I’ve had little opportunity to be alone, where you have an opportunity to sit and reflect and organise your thoughts, and I’ve missed it like a dear friend.

I know many who have had a pretty shitty year. Mine has been challenging. It feels like the world is slightly off axis, we are all a bit unsettled, the constant busy-ness of our lives and distractions of the mind are never ending unless we are asleep. I’m still finding it tough to get out of the doing and just ‘be’ it’s both and art and a science that I seem to be failing for the moment.

But now I have some quality time to just allow myself to reflect with a quiet mind, all I have is ‘gratitude’. I thought that I may have at least a New Years resolution or some amazing epiphany after a few months on the road, but no sage advice will be found here.

But gratitude (side note- the boys next door pleasantly surprise me as ‘I’ve had the time of my life’ plays…) whatever happens in 2018, I’m so fortunate to be living the life I have, to have the family and friends I have and privileged to live in such a beautiful country and all it provides abundantly to me. All the rest is inconsequential. So really I’m not going to beat myself up for overindulging at Christmas or how little I’ve trained or that I haven’t given the kids a shower for 2 days, it doesn’t matter.

All the best for 2018 my friends, with gratitude from me. X

P.S Now a bowl of ice cream and milo awaits and a good book, as we count down to the new year! Bring on 2018!

5 thoughts on “Happy New Year lovely people

  1. My dear friend, you were all in my dream last night and I woke to this blog. Thank you for sharing that alone moment with us… such a vivid image of you sitting there peacefully with the noise of the boys and the milo. Thanks for acknowledging the unsettled air, mixed with gratitude. It all feels a little fragmented going into the new year …. love you, keep moving xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I knew there was a reason we liked you! Milo is Brendan’s weakness! Gotta pay tribute to that Aussie icon for sure. Great to meet you, hopefully we cross paths again in some place 🙂 xx


  3. You sound peaceful, Sharonika even with the rowdy neighbours. Alone is so different from lonely….it can be blissful. Like you jI find ust being rather than doing is the biggest challenge. Something to work towards. Thank you for sharing your alone moment.

    Love….always x

    Liked by 1 person

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